5.6 Storing the NETBIOS name for a person
If systems require extra user information (for example, if your CA cannot determine the user correctly when requesting certificates – this may occur if you have multiple users with the same SAMAccountName in different domains, or if you are issuing certificates to a user who is not in the same domain as the CA), you may need to specify the NETBIOS name for the user.
You can choose to store the domain NETBIOS name for a user's domain. This NETBIOS domain name will then be prefixed to the account name, separated by a slash (\) when making certificate requests. This allows the certificate server to locate the correct domain for the user for whom the request is being made.
To set the Force NETBIOS name option, see section 30.3, LDAP page (Operation Settings).
To ensure that MyID can view the domain\NETBIOS name, it must be able to access the configuration area of the directory. You must configure a Base DN for your default directory within MyID. MyID automatically checks the configuration area for that Base DN.
You must check whether MyID can import the NETBIOS name correctly. Import a person from the directory, save the person, then in the View Person workflow check the Domain item in the user's Account tab.